Mario Rodriguez

Semantic Technology Amorista! >>>>>>>>>>

my first blog post regarding Dragon 9 essentials

Right now I am trying to get used to talking to this new program that I just purchased called Dragon naturally speaking nine. It seems to be adapting to my voice pretty good I’m not entirely sure yet if it’s going to work the way I’m thinking. So far after these first tries it looks to be promising I mean I have not had to correct all but two words when I said called and hello. My non-actually talking into a notepad document that I will later take and paste into WordPress I will have to see how good that goes. I can’t say that it does appear to be faster than typing because if I can just talk freely. Instead of having a tie but I’m thinking it just saves allow more time.

I had originally looked at Dragon speak some time ago but I just didn’t think that it was going to work the way that I guess I thought it would work or how it should work. But it’s pretty cool because now I’m talking and it’s actually completing my sentences in and at the end of each sentence all I have to say is the word P. E. R. I. O. D.. I had to spell the word out because if I say the actual word it was actually placing that punctuation mark at the end of this sentence. It disc and take a little bit of getting used to its not like right out of the box working with my voice however I think with some recognition over time it will definitely learn the way that I talk and then you will be able to type all that out for me.

So for anyone that hasn’t tried the software I would definitely say that I I do recommend it even though it’s not completely adaptable to my voice right out of the box I think you just could take some time getting used to I think this is key and helping you get a what is on your mind out and get it in some sort of document where it’s actually typed out because most of the time when you’re typing you always read everything you can then retype it and you just go back and forth with all the document as you’re typing and actually knowing what you’re thinking so it is a little different than talking and seeing your words appear across your eyes in front of you on the screen.

Wow that was a long sentence against that is the other thing that you have to get used to as well learning when to cut off your sentence like right now. Otherwise you will have these long long very very long sentences when you’re talking. You know the more I talk and the more that I see that this software is actually getting used to my voice I do think it is actually very effective with getting your thoughts out on paper without having to type everything that your thinking.

So hopefully now that I’m doing more talking versus typing you’ll possibly see more of me blogging now that I have is pretty nifty tool. Asked the legal funny I just said see later in Spanish and the beginning of this sentence is actually what it translates to.

Spoken by

Mario Rodriguez

Filed under: My Tools

Re-do of the previously posted voicemail…..

I had to redo this voice mail for everyone I am sure you will enjoy this one alot more.

Filed under: Personal Blah!, , ,

Wow! Funny voicemail

I got this funny voicemail on my phone you have to listen to it, it’s 4 mins. long. I have no clue who Walker is…

Download DW_A0308.wav

Filed under: My Tools,