Mario Rodriguez

Semantic Technology Amorista! >>>>>>>>>>

a Super-Futuristic feature has been introduced to the iPhone ๐Ÿ˜€ MMS wow who would have thought? first Under-deliver then Over-anticipate

Filed under: My Tools

#This_Is_It 10/28/2009 Michael Jackson makes a movie!

Filed under: My Tools

@blackberry Storm better than waffles?

Filed under: My Tools

Google + reCAPTCHA = more level of security

Filed under: My Tools – @googlevoice Thanks for adding sms text 2 email this will be very helpful

Filed under: My Tools

lol! 9 couples to a beautiful wedding for only 99ยข! Also, the store will give away $999 to a 9lb 9oz baby born on 9/9/09

Filed under: My Tools

Thanks! @googledocs for the new rich-features for Free in the forms

Filed under: My Tools

@iphone your finally going to get to MMS pffftt something I already do on my blackberry storm ๐Ÿ™‚

Filed under: My Tools